Business & Money
Creating Your Life
Free Stuff
Talk to the Entities
Joy of Business Taster

€70,00 EUR
Implementation of Profitability  - Joy of Business Taster

€70,00 EUR
Joy of Business Money Pulls

€60,00 EUR
How to Deal when a client says "I can't afford it!"

€50,00 EUR
Getting Over Your Judgment Of Sales

€47,00 EUR
Create More Time More Joy More Money

€95,00 EUR
The Lies of Competition

€40,00 EUR
Attract More Clients & Create A Business That Works

€50,00 EUR
5 days of Waking up with your Business

€55,00 EUR
GOODMORNING! 5 Days of Waking up with ease!

€40,00 EUR
JOB Intro: Being the honey pot in Business

€75,00 EUR
Be Visible

€120,00 EUR
Receving The Gift You Are As A Woman

€25,00 EUR
Creating the Life you Desire

€99,00 EUR
15 Days of The Miracle of Ask and Receive - Energy Pulls Series

€15,00 EUR
50 Questions to improve your receiving abilities

€50,00 EUR
You Matter: 30 Day Energy Pulls

€200,00 EUR
Become Prosperous Bookclub

€135,00 EUR
X-Men & OCD - 2-Part Teleseries

€150,00 EUR
Access X-Men & Sexual Healer - 3 Part Teleseries

€250,00 EUR
Access X-Men & Bodies - 3 Part Teleseries

€225,00 EUR
X-Men & People - 2-Part Teleseries

€150,00 EUR
Access X-Men & Mothers - 2 Part Teleseries

€175,00 EUR
Access X-Men & 15 Days of Discovery

€20,00 EUR
When Your Lover Separates From You, Do you Reject You?

€75,00 EUR
Receiving the Gift Of A Man in Your Life

€60,00 EUR
Asking for & Creating the Sex You Desire with Rachael & Sul

€225,00 EUR
Your Worth Is Non-Negotiable

€120,00 EUR
Living Beyond Gaslighting

€90,00 EUR
Joy of Business Money Pulls - Free First Call

10 May | Free Call - What are you using your body for?

Have you decided you have to suffer with your body?

Is your awareness of Entities a curse or a gift? - Free Zoom

TTTE Specialty Intro: Walk-Ins - Online

€185,00 EUR
House & Space Clearing from A-Z Online

€185,00 EUR
Birth & Death - A Talk to the Entities Specialty Intro

€185,00 EUR