February 10-May 12, 21:30-22:00 CET (Every Monday)
Talk to the Entities business hours are the time and space you choose to get to work clearing, communicating, receiving and cooperating with the spirit world.
Making this time for clearing, communicating, receiving and cooperating can make your life and the world a million times easier.
TTTE Beginning Class
Access Country pricing applies on this class. Please use coupon code at your checkout.
75% Country use: GLOBAL75
80% Country use: GLOBAL80
If you live in a country on which this applies. Contact us in case you have any questions.
Please ensure you register on the Access Consciousness website first. Click here to REGISTER

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For invoices please contact us on the [email protected] email address. We highly appreciate you sending us your invoice request within 30 days from the end of the class. Thank you.